Monday, May 30, 2011

Reading Reaction #3: Earthquakes

Hello Guys!
   I hope you had a great weekend.   As I promised you, I am posting the questions for this week's reading reaction before class.  Here they are:
1.  Did you learn anything new about earthquakes from the reading?
2.  Did you find new words?  Share at least 2, write their meanings.

I also would like that you take a look at this interesting video about how Tsunamis are formed:

See you in class,
Prof. Eva


  1. Ismael Nieto..ID:=7-707-540Tue May 31, 03:49:00 AM

    1. If I learned that some 80 percent of all the planet's earthquakes occur along the rim of the Pacific Ocean, called the RING OF FIRE because of the preponderance of volcanic activity there as well.
    The earthquakes occur at fault zones, where tectonic plates-giant rock slabs that make up the Earth's upper layer-collide or slide against each other.
    2.New Words.
    a.Mud slides: derrumbes.
    c.Waves: ondas.
    d.Tectonic Plates:placas tectónicas.

  2. 1. I learned that earthquakes occur 1,000 of times every day aroud the world.
    I also learnd that the rim of the pacific ocean its called The Ring of Fire.

    2. New Words
    Tectonic Plates: placas tectonicas
    Tremors: temblores
    Collide: choques, chocar.

  3. Liz Medina AlvaradoTue May 31, 02:26:00 PM

    I learnd reading this that because of the preponderance of volcanic activity along the rim of the Pacific Ocean, the 80 percent of all planet´s earthquake occur there.
    New words:
    Tremors: A shaking or vibrating movement, as of the earth.
    Sway: To move or swing from side to side; or backward and forward.

  4. 1- yes i learned about of the earthquakes becuase more of a quake measuring 3 to 5 is considered monir or light;5 to 7 is moderate to strong ;7 to 8 is major;and 8 or more is great . and more of 10,000 people die in earthquakes annually.

    2-new words
    squeezed = exprimido

    following= siguientes

    sway= sacudimiento

  5. well.about earthquakes I learn so much about this like when are tremors seismic and earthquakes is the time if is 3 to 5 minutes is concidered light ,5 to 7 minutes is moderate to strong 7 to 8 or more is great. and consequences of this
    too I learn about the plates the earth.
    and few person dead in this seismic.

    new words:

    sway- balanceo
    waves- olas
    rim- montura borde
    unnoticeable- impredecible

  6. 1. Did you learn anything new about earthquakes from the reading?

    I learn much about the earthquakes... Some 80 % of all the planet's Earthquakes occur along the rim of the Pacific Ocean.
    Also a quake measuring 3 to 5 is considered minor or light, 5 to 7 is moderate to strong, 7 to 8 is major and 8 or more is great.

    2. Did you find new words? Share at least 2, write their meanings.
    yes I lean new words in this topic ...
    1. Faults
    2. Unnoticeable
    3. Hard
    4. Strikes
    5. Compounded
    6. Efforts
    7. Buildings
    8. Sway

    2. Imperceptible
    3. Duro
    4. Huelgas
    5. Compuesto
    6. Los esfuerzos
    7. Edificios
    8. Influencia

  7. CRISTIAN CASTILLOTue May 31, 03:42:00 PM

    1. Did you learn anything new about earthquakes from the reading?
    Yes, I was reading this interesting page about earthquakes or temblors. There are hundred´s everydays and thousand´s in a year but they are frequently in the Pacific Ocean. when the tectonic fault collite between them when this fault zones stretched or squeezed.
    The scientist divide the temblors in differents ranges:
    3 to 5 this is a small or minor.
    5 to 7 are moderate
    7 to 8 major and 8 or more this is really destructive.
    Emergency plannig, education and safe construction will avoid that hundreds lifes are lose every year.

    2. Did you find new words? Share at least 2, write their meanings.
    along the rim: a lo largo de
    upper layer: capa superior.

  8. Alejandra GuevaraTue May 31, 04:19:00 PM

    1- Did you learn anything new about earthquakes from the reading?
    Yes, of course I learned many things about the reading, because I did not know that earthquakes also called temblors occur by the thousands every day around the world, and the magnitude rating to the earthquakes based on the strength and duration of their seismic waves.

    2-Did you find new words? Share at least 2, write their meanings.
    yes,I learned a couple words from the reading.
    Sway= movimiento, balanceo
    the rim= al borde
    unnoticeable= impredecible

  9. Question 1- I learned the earthquake and the different consequences that it can produce, also something interesting was about how an erathquake can affect a poblation or city specially if some cities that are close to the beach, because the earthquake can create big waves that can become in demgerous catastrophes for thoses countries.
    Question 2- words:
    *tremors - temblores
    *strikes- huelgas
    *mud slides- deslizamientos de lodo
    *collide- chocar

  10. Did you learn anything new about earthquakes from the Reading?
    Si, I did. I read about measuring rating to earthquakes and magnitude this is new for me because I believe of measuring rating was only 1 to 5 like a tornador.
    Did you find new words? Share at least 2, write their meaning.
    Preponderance preponderancia
    Plates placas
    Slabs losas
    Plates placas
    Collide chocar
    Strikes huelgas
    Sway rather ocila

  11. ARLENYS G JOHNSONTue May 31, 05:07:00 PM

    Earthquakes is a amazing natural fenomenon. I learn many things about it like a scientificts assign a magnitude rating to earthquakes based in the duration of their seismic waves
    new words
    strikes: huelgas
    collide: chocar
    tremors: temblores
    sway: influencia, movimiento

  12. 1- something new that I learned is the earthquakes it's no only called this form also are tremors are part of the nature and also the meaning of each magnitude rating of them. When they occur with the major magnitude more than 10,000 people die and some houses dessapear totally is so terrible for the world that exist.

    2. my new words
    Tectonic plates- placas tectonicas
    collide- chocar

  13. 1- something new that I learned is the earthquakes it's no only called this form also are tremors are part of the nature and also the meaning of each magnitude rating of them. When they occur with the major magnitude more than 10,000 people die and some houses dessapear totally is so terrible for the world that exist.

    2. my new words
    Tectonic plates- placas tectonicas
    collide- chocar

  14. 1. yes, i learned many things becuase i never imagined that earthquakes occur daily and that to me was impressive.

    2. at fault zones: zonas de falla
    collide: chocan
    sway: influencia
    strikers: huelga

  15. 1- I learning about earthquakes that are called temblors and it can be compound by mud slides, sway, fires, flood or tsunamis. It is dangerous when you are fence of it.

    2- sway: sacudimiento
    tremors: temblores
    plates: placas
    collides: chocar
    mud slides: deslizamiento de tierra
    squeezed: exprimido

  16. 1. Did you learn anything new about earthquakes from the reading?
    I learned the magnitude rating that scientists assign to earthquakes based on strenght and duration of their seismic waves.

    2. Did you find new words? Share at least 2, write their meanings.
    Sway: to move or swing to and fro, as something fixed at one end or resting on a support.
    Rim: any edge, margin, or frame added to or around a central object or area.
    Mud Slides: a flow of mixed earth debris containing a large amount of water.

  17. 1. I learned that earthquakes can also called temblors, can be tremendusly destructive and it ocurr thousands every day around the world.
    2.The rim: al borde
    Tremors: temblores
    Collide: chocar

  18. Learned That Earthquakes can be very strong .
    I also learnd That the rim of the pacific ocean STI Called The Ring of Fire. of times
    I also learnd that the rim of the pacific ocean its called The Ring of Fire.
